Europamobil – Europa in die Schulen bringen

Call for applications: Wir suchen das Europamobil-Team für 2024! Seit 2009 ist Europamobil das größte europäische Jugendprojekt der Stiftung Genshagen. Europamobil richtet sich an Studierende aus allen europäischen Ländern, die motiviert sind, ihre Begeisterung für Europa an Schüler*innen weiterzugeben. In diesem Jahr geht unser Europamobil vom 9. bis 28. September wieder auf Tour zu Brandenburger Schulen. Bewerbungsfrist ist der 7. Juli 2024.

©Stiftung Genshagen


We are looking for our new Europamobil Team 2024!

Europamobil offers an exciting European experience for pupils and students. Each year in September, a group of 20 students from different European countries visits schools in a European region in Germany, Poland or France by bus, the famous Europamobil, to run workshops on European issues.

In 2024 Europamobil will be on tour in Brandenburg (around Berlin) again.

Europamobil offers practical experience in teaching and in workshop presentations in an international environment. All participants may enrich their knowledge about European issues by participating in discussions with invited experts. Europamobil also gives an opportunity to build an international network and to reinforce intercultural skills.

Europamobil aims to enhance students' commitment to the European Union and pupils' interest in European affairs by making Europe tangible. Moreover, Europamobil informs pupils about mobility opportunities in Europe. Through their cooperation in the context of Europamobil, students and pupils get to know their neighbouring countries and their people better. It is a way to increase their motivation to become active European citizens and to produce critical enthusiasm for the European idea.

The edition in brief (09.09. - 28.09.2024)

  1. Educational Training | 09.-15.09.2024
    A weeklong introductory seminar includes training units on workshop presentation methods, on pedagogical skills and on EU issues preparing the students for their work on the ground in the classrooms. Additionally, students create workshops focusing on European issues with professional support.
  2. School visits | 16.09.-26.09.2024
    For around two weeks students will visit one school per day, running workshops on European issues for pupils from the age of 15 to 19. The workshops focus on key European issues like: How does the EU work?; Cultural diversity and European identity; EU Enlargement Policy; Democracy and Populism in Europe. In addition to the workshops, European associations will inform pupils about opportunities to become mobile in Europe at an information fair in each school.
  3. Final Conference | 27.09.2024
    The project will end with a final conference that involves representatives from politics and civil society. At this conference, the students will present the results of their work.


Who can apply?

Europamobil is aimed at students from all European countries who are motivated to share their enthusiasm for Europe with pupils. Prior engagement in projects related to Europe as well as experience in teaching and working with pupils are an asset but not required.

What languages skills are needed?
The project language is English. Workshops at schools will also be given in English. Hence the students should have a good command of English. Other language skills are also welcome.

How can I apply?
To apply please fill in the application form and attach:

  • A short letter of motivation (approx. 1 page) including a brief outline of your experience and qualifications which might be useful for the project
  • Your CV
  • Europamobil application form [PDF]

Application Deadline: 07 July 2024

The costs of participation (accommodation at Genshagen Castle, meals and transport) are fully covered.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us.


Stiftung Genshagen
Am Schloss 1
14974 Genshagen

Stephen Bastos (Project Leader)

Maxim Rubin (Project Assistant)

You can also check us out on YouTube (HERE).

Supported by: Land Brandenburg; F.C. Flick Stiftung; Bildungs-, Jugend-, Kultur- und Sportstiftung Teltow-Fläming der Mittelbrandenburgischen Sparkasse in Potsdam

Europamobil 2024

Application Form